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Lyrics: (Let's Play) U.S.A. [2023 Remaster]

Dies ist der Text zum Lied (Let's Play) U.S.A. [2023 Remaster] von Peter Schilling.

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1726 Leider kein Bild vorhanden (Let's Play) U.S.A. [2023 Remaster] Peter Schilling 00:03:17 09.05.2024 11:18 1
Where-oh-where is Mickey Mouse
Live and well in the White House
What's the word on common sense
It's been sitting on the fence
Have you seen the mastermind
Someone's bashed it from behind
Leaders, saints, and honest men
What's become of them today

Let's play USA
Let's play USA

How I love the life I lead
Cannot think and cannot read
Watch our values slip away
Play the game of USA

Even though we lost the race
To get the first man into space
We will be the first country
To run automatically
Soon the robots we create
Starring on the Great White Way

Let's play USA
Let's play USA

How I love the life I lead
Cannot think and cannot read
Watch our values slip away
Play the game of USA

Won't it be a lot of fun
Every man will own a gun
Shoot the ones whose point of view
Makes a point that bothers you
Go on and pollute the land
Clean air will be sold in cans
Did you hear the master plan
One nation under Disneyland

Let's play USA
Let's play USA

How I love the life I lead
Cannot think and cannot read
Watch our values slip away
Play the game of USA
Autoren: Armin Sabol, Pierre Schilling
Publisher: Unbekannt
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